Your Business Can Be A Vehicle To Access Time And Financial Freedom

Darrah Brustein
3 min readMay 16, 2023
Getty Images

I’m rarely a believer in one-size-fits-all advice because we’re not all ‘one size’. Meaning: we each come to the table with a variety of experiences, scars, fears, circumstances, privileges, opportunities, and on and on.

I’m an (elder) millennial and people mock us to say that we think we’re all ‘unique snowflakes’. In this case, I’ll take that intended insult and agree: we are all unique in what motivates us, what we desire, and how we attain said desire.

Today’s question from Reena sheds light on this: her wish, like many of us, is to live a life of freedom and flexibility and to create a business that is the vehicle to create that for her.

While her combination of circumstances is unique (chronic illness, limited energy, and trauma), there’s a lot we can learn from reena’s situation even if our circumstances are different. Here’s her question:

Dear Darrah: My life has taken some unexpected turns in the last few years. I was diagnosed with a chronic illness which led to medical leave. I had a very traumatic, unsupportive, and stressful experience with my long-term employer. My benefits were cut and I resigned from a job I intended to keep until retirement. I don’t have a business background (I have a social services background), I am not tech savvy and



Darrah Brustein

On a mission to debunk "sleep when you're dead" culture + chasing others people's definitions of success to build a life of your own design.