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How To Make Email Introductions Where Everyone Wins
Remember that time when you were on the receiving end of an email introduction that you really didn’t want? You likely felt obligated to reply and to carve out time to spend with the third party because of your relationship with the introducer. Or perhaps you just didn’t want to appear rude, so you replied begrudgingly, hoping the third party wouldn’t and you could save face. Or, maybe you chose to ignore it and pretend it was never received, and hope no one inquired further.
Regardless of which of those describes you, you shouldn’t have been put in that position, no matter the good intentions. And you certainly shouldn’t put anyone else in that spot.
Here’s why: two of our most valuable resources are our time and our network. Whether it’s you who’s making a blind introduction, or someone else making one for, or to, you, that third party is blind-sided and hasn’t given you any buy-in.
Rather than to create tension, make yourself look bad or have people dreading your misguided emails, here are some simple tips to consider to make email introductions where everyone wins (because at their very nature, they’re wonderful gestures of good faith and hope in what can sprout from a new, unexplored point of connection).
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