How To Focus And Move Past Your Destructive Or Distracting Inner Narratives

Darrah Brustein
2 min readFeb 22, 2023
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I love a good story, don’t you? But what about the stories we tell ourselves? Have you ever paused to consider how those stories are impacting you?

Here’s an unflattering example of a narrative I created that went like this: “Darrah: You’re not cutting it with this client. You should reach out, offer her an out to end the engagement early, and refund her in full.” Even though said client had never given me any reason to believe this, I allowed a moment of self-doubt to override better judgment and believed this story.

Then this email showed up:

“I want to sincerely thank you for your time today. I really appreciated our conversation and coaching session. You have a unique and amazing gift! I’m so glad we are working together. As a side note: the pitch meeting this afternoon went really well. I let the team shine and they did their thing. I’ll be surprised if we don’t return the contract at a higher price in 2023. Thank you for your advice on this.”

Lesson: thoughts aren’t facts.

In fact, the average person has an estimated 70,000 thoughts per day. The more you pay attention to them, the more you’ll notice how many conflict with one another and/or with what’s actually transpiring. Imagine what would happen if you…



Darrah Brustein

On a mission to debunk "sleep when you're dead" culture + chasing others people's definitions of success to build a life of your own design.